Winley Road is often used on the South Wigston test routes and it has a couple of unusual junctions that you should watch out for.
As with all videos make sure that your not assuming what’s going to be ahead, these videos are designed to help you remember certain junctions but it will be completely different each time you drive.
Winley Road Roundabout
The video below shows a vehicle travelling along Winley Road, following the road ahead and taking the second exit. Make sure you use the left lane of the roundabout, it will be further to the left than you might expect.
It’s important to do your routine early so that you’re prepared for the roundabout and have plenty of time to complete all your observations. The traffic flow from the right can be quite busy as it’s the main ring road, so you will need to be positive and confident with your decision making.
Winley Road One Way Street
This video shows a vehicle travelling along Winley Road one-way street, turning right. This road is often used on test and regularly catches out drivers who don’t realise it’s a one-way street. Make sure you observe the road signs and markings.